Five Gallon Bug Out Bucket

Sometimes things happen that require you to suddenly leave your house overnight and head elsewhere. It’s common for many people living in remote places to have a bug out bag ready, a bag filled with things they can use if they ever need to leave their house unexpectedly overnight.

DIY Bug Out Bucket cover image

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DIY Emergency Kit

With regular large scale disasters already common in North America, it’s a good time to talk a bit about disaster preparation and how a 5 gallon bucket can help provide some good physical insurance against a catastrophic situation.

diy bucket emergency disaster kit

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A well designed emergency kit will contain the best bits of modern technology and healthcare. IT should be designed to secure you in a variety of disaster scenarios, while remaining portable enough to take with you if you need to evacuate.

Since this is a website about buckets, we are designing a sample kit that fits neatly in a 5 gallon bucket. You could also use a backpack, but you won’t get the benefit of an airtight, waterproof seal. Continue reading