I like to hunt for Christmas gift ideas on Amazon’s bestsellers lists. You can be assured that items on the list are good quality for a good price, and you can get a second and third opinion by reading the reviews.
This year I searched “buckets” in the bestseller list to see if I could find anything worth mentioning. And I found an embarrassment of variety! Here are some of the best.
The Best Ever Tool Bucket
FatBack is the #1 best rated and best selling bucket tool organizer on Amazon. We featured this one alongside several others in the tool organizer article. Reviewers point to the high-quality fabric, multitude of pockets and the built-in rain coat as their favorite features.
Rated 4.8/5 stars. Find out more >>
NFL sports buckets
These officially licensed beer or snack pails are custom imprinted with the sports team of your choosing. Prices seem to range from 8$ to 20$ depending on how well the team is doing, which is actually pretty funny. My team, shown here, costs 15$.
Rated 3.7/5 stars – Find out more >>
Mountain House Just in Case
2013 was a historic year of natural disasters. And in America, the destruction wasn’t just limited to Hurricane Alley.
In June we published a build-it-yourself 5 gallon bucket emergency kit, but it didn’t include any food. Do yourself a favor and don’t forget that in an emergency situation you just might get hungry. 29 meals on sale for 56$ – and you get the bucket free!
Rated 4.7/5 stars – Find out more >>
Collapsible Tub
This 2.5 gallon tub collapses into a fraction of its maximum size, making it the best portable basin for camping. Lots of uses! You can responsibly use it to clean dishes, or fill it with ice and beer and get plastered.
These collapsing silicone tubs are fairly new on the market but are already featured prominently on Amazon’s “New and Popular” list.
Rated 5/5 stars – Find out More >>
Everything for your Car Bucket
A car wash bucket that comes packed with car care kit. It contains a premium cleaning solution and a brilliant grit guard insert to keep sand off your sponge. A must-have if your car is your hobby, and it fits in your trunk!
Rated 4.5/5 Stars – Find Out More >>
Brew Your Own Beer Starter Kit
Until I develop a 1-minute beer recipe to match my 1-minute-wine-recipe, all you microbrewers out there will have to make do with a standard issue beer kit built around a 5 gallon bucket and a 6 gallon carboy.
At 1/3 of what I paid for my first brewing kit, it’s an absolute bargain at 68$.
Rated 3.8/5 stars Find out more >>