Plant Carrier

We’re kicking off this year’s growing season with some five gallon plant ideas.

I’m not a seed wizard so I have to buy miniature versions of my plants and try to keep them alive as they grow bigger. The first challenge in their new lives is to survive the trip home on the bike. Fortunately for these assorted kitchen herbs, I’m well stocked with hard-walled buckets perfectly suited for protecting them from getting squashed to death.




The plastic shield can scale with the size of the plant in transit. For example, the taller tomato plant will be more comfortable in five gallons. If you’re still hauling on your person you can get special backpacks that support a full sized pail.

Plant Trucking

Lidded 5 gallon buckets in the back of a pickup will protect an entire ecosystem of plants from the hazards of travel like wind and inertia. Depending on the depth of your pickup bed, you could stack another layer on top to double your plant carrying capacity.

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