Chicken Egg Washing Machine Review – “The Little Egg Scrubber”

At peak efficiency, our hens lay 95 eggs daily. Eggs must be washed for sale, so to save time we clean them in batches of 400 at a time every few days. It still takes over an hour to wash all those eggs (9.85 seconds per egg), so we’ve been hunting for an inexpensive egg washing machine for years.

We built two versions of the bubbler egg washer, but they often broke eggs and did not clean the eggs to sellable condition. And since it has to be used outside, the egg bubbler is not useful in winter.

Most of the tabletop egg washers we researched cost over $1000, or are cheap but do not offer significant time savings. Some are cheap and fast, but do not clean the eggs well.

Then a reader posted a link to his new product,The Little Egg Scrubber.  We asked if he would like us to test the unit, in exchange for writing this review. He agreed.

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Mouse Trap

bucket mouse trap with rampEver heard the phrase “build a better mouse trap?” Well that’s phrase is now obsolete because there is no better mouse trap than this!

The bucket mouse trap catches many mice in a single trap and does not need to be reset between mice. It’s also so simple to make that you probably already have all the parts needed lying around your garage.

Never purchase commercial mouse traps or poison again!

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Five gallon bucket rock tumbler

polished rocks before after

Have you ever had a beautiful rock you wanted to polish? You don’t need to buy your own polishing machine to do so. Once again, the five gallon bucket can come in handy. There are a number of different designs you can use to create your own rock polisher, depending on the equipment you have available. We’ll look at some of them here

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Five Gallon Bug Out Bucket

Sometimes things happen that require you to suddenly leave your house overnight and head elsewhere. It’s common for many people living in remote places to have a bug out bag ready, a bag filled with things they can use if they ever need to leave their house unexpectedly overnight.

DIY Bug Out Bucket cover image

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